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Our Jack Spowart card range - inspired by the Isle of Skye,  perfectly executed by Jack an  illustrator born and raised in the Scottish Highlands.


"Handmade, packed full of bee friendly flower seeds and made from 100% Pre-consumer recycled cotton"


Our seed paper cards are made here at Scribe and Grow using Paper Grow sheets.  The cards are packed full of seeds and unlike other seed papers, Paper Grow do not include grass seeds in there mixes. The seed mixes are chosen with bees in mind and each sheet includes Sweet Alyssum, Poppy, Baby’s Breath & Basil. These are non-invasive species that are commonly found in garden shops and can be grown in pots and left outside for bees and other pollinators.



To make sure your seed paper has the best chance of turning into beautiful flowers


  • Tear paper up into small pieces (For best results, soak paper in water or run under a tap)
  • Place pieces in a pot of soil and lightly sprinkle more soil on top
  • Keep the soil and paper moist (but not constantly wet) in a warm and light environment
  • Once your small plants have grown, place pot outside or keep on a window that has lots of sun


Ideally plant February - July

Highland Coo by Jack Spowart

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